Hyde Bark is of course the fabulous yearly dog event founded by The Mayhew Animal Home based in North London.
Situated in the beautiful location: The Serpentine in Hyde Park, the show is always filled with fun doggy classes, celebrity guests and plenty for all the family.
I popped down with my dear friend and fellow TV presenter Wendy Turner Webster to support the day’s event as a celebrity judge and to film the event for Green World TV.
Here is the final Film of the day:
It was wonderful to see all of The Mayhew’s special adoptions enjoying the activities and through all the fun, to get across this really important message that we should all #adoptnotshop, as every time we buy a pedigree dog, a stray looses its chance of a forever home.
There are thousands of UK dogs all desperately needing homes and The Mayhew is one of the leading charities helping to make this a reality. So far in the last 6 months, The Mayhew has rehomed over 48 dogs, 194 cats and reunited 29 dogs with their owners and as well as adoptions, The Mayhew has neutered a staggering 898 animals, micro chipped 517 and helped the welfare and care of 515 animals within the community.
To find out more about the important work this charity does I stopped by with Caroline Yates, CEO of The Mayhew to find out exactly what the charity has been up to in 2015
The day was a little rainy to start with, but that didn’t stop the show attracting celebrities who all shared an equal passion for helping our furry friends, one of which was the fabulous Dr Margaret Mountford, better known for her appearance on Channel 4’s The Apprentice.
As Wendy spoke to some lovely supporters, I launched Hyde Bark’s dog show as judge for the first class of the day – The Prettiest Lady class which was incredibly difficult to judge as in my opinion, all the dogs deserved a rosette.
Renowned animal loving actress Lizzie Roper followed on from me, judging The Most Handsome male class and stopped by for a quick chat afterwards about her love of animals and The Mayhew.
Wendy and I couldn’t help but notice that The Mayhew had invited along a lovely agility team to help owners get their pooches moving and to encourage all sizes large to small to have a go and exercise which is so important for the health of the dog as well as bags of fun! And as the sun started to peek from between the clouds, it was lovely to see the doggies all enjoying the fabulous paddling pools that had been supplied for the day.
After watching the dogs enjoying some of the wonderful watery fun I caught up with Mimi Bekhechi who had the very important task of being a much needed fosterer for The Mayhew and she introduced me to a very special little dog she was helping on her way to her new life.
We then bumped into a lovely celebrity supporter by the name of Heidi Mumford, not only a talented actress but also entrepreneur to a fabulous new online platform created to help report suspected animal abuse to the relevant authorities as you see it happening.
It was a joy to catch up with one of the UK’s National Treasures, the wonderful Sir Tony Robinson. He was judging the sweetest staffie class, which in my eyes was such an important class as sadly the staffie’s reputation has been on the line for quite a while now due to unscrupulous breeders and gangs. Staffies are not only one of the most intelligent breeds out there, forever wanting to please their owners, but they also look up to us, their alpha to help shape their experiences and personality, so its completely down to the owner to help them become the model citizens they so desperately crave to be.
The metropolitan police dogs play such an important role in the lives of UK citizens that it was wonderful to see that they were out in force to support such a great cause. We caught up with a wonderful police dog Eva and her brilliant Police handler who explained to us the roles and responsibilities of living on a daily basis with such a complex, intelligent and highly trained dog.
One of the oddest classes to judge has to be the owner and dog look alike, as not only is it an unusual thing to be considered to look like your dog, but its also a little uncomfortable to have to tell an owner that they do actually like their dog. Luckily in this class, all the entrants most certainly wanted to be compared to their dogs. The job of judging was down to Kerang FM DJ Kate Lawler and Marc Abraham.
The Fabulous Kate Lawler caught up with me afterwards to chat about her experience of judging this most interesting and fun class.
Other wonderful celebrity supporters today included TV’s power team Sue Jameson and Mark Bolam who jointly judged Best in Show, a culmination of all the winners from the day’s classes.
Also the lovely Aby King, author of The Lupo dog series, based on the adventures of a very royal dog was there reading extracts from her book for all the kids to hear. She later caught up with Anneka to explain the motivation behind this exciting idea.
Finally what better way finish off such a marvelous day than to meet a doggy superstar celebrity? The very much famous Chanel the Chihuahua with her owner Anna.
I was treated to some amazing doggy dancing before finding out about the numerous online fan clubs this small and extremely popular dog has her paws well and truly into.
The Mayhew finished off with a lovely parade of their previous doggy adoptions including CEO Caroline Yates’ very own adoption Milly.
Please make sure to go online to www.themayhew.org to find out more about the wonderful job this wonderful animal home does and make sure to pop down to Hyde Bark 2016 to support this charity and keep those valuable, much needed donations rolling in